Add Books Manually & Add Missing Book Covers

Reblogged from BookLikes:



New Books

Two "Add" functions are available on BookLikes from today:  add books manually and add book covers.


From now on it doesn’t matter if you want to shelve unpublished yet books or self-published or from a local bookstore, now you can put on your Shelf all books ever existed. It’s called manual book adding. We have it online!


If you don’t find a desirable book in a search box you can easily ‘create’ a book from the scratch.



Click on “Add new book” after no results were found and fill up the necessary information of Book Title, Book Author, Book Cover, Book Description and ISBN. Click “Add Book” and add it to you bookshelf or create a post.



Second “add” function is about missing book covers. If some books on your Shelf lack covers, you can add them manually too. Click on a green book (no cover) and ‘Add cover' underneath it. Then choose image from your computer and voila. The book looks perfect with cover of your choice!



So what book will you add first?



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Finally, a feature I can use. One of the developing pet peeves has been incomplete or non-existent book data when I search for specific books. I am trying to avoid Amazon (which can be lacking) and the other search options pretty much suck to be honest. Now I can add the data in from the book that I have and a cover image as well. This is certainly a good start.


Now, BookLikes could connect to something like WorldCat, that would make this librarian very happy.