Blogging and RSS: A Librarian's Guide

Blogging and Rss: A Librarians Guide - Michael P. Sauers I borrowed this from my workplace library. I was interested in looking it over since we are planning on implementing a blog at work. For me, a lot of the information in it is material that I already know or have seen in other online sources. Therein lies a weakness of the book, or pretty much any book about online tools like blogs: by the time it hits print, a lot of it is already outdated or the conditions online have changed. The coverage of Blogger is a good example given Blogger's recent changes. So, that is why I gave it only two stars. However, I will say that for people who have minimal knowledge of blogs and rss that this book would provide an excellent jump point. It has a lot of visual elements as well as good explanations. For libraries considering a blog and that have not seen a lot of this phenomena, the book is a good resource. However, for veterans, odds are good you already know what's in it.