The Soul of Battle: From Ancient Times to the Present Day, Three Great Liberators Vanquished Tyranny

The Soul of Battle from Ancient Times to the Present Day - Victor Davis Hanson I used to read a lot more history books like these than I do now. Not because I like them any less. Maybe it is because books like this take a bit more time than I have. Who know? Anyhow, this was a great book I read back in 2000. I have to make time to read more liked these. It was interesting and accessible. Here is what I wrote in my journal back then: >>. . .about three generals and how they lead citizen armies to vanquish tyranny. In common, Epaminondas, Sherman, and Patton were geniuses in their own time who were educated, capable, daring, and often used flank attacks and approaches to their enemies heartland rather than frontal assaults to achieve their objectives. Their citizen armies were formed swiftly, became lethal combatants and soon dissolved after conflict. The book is well written, and Hanson constantly makes connections between the generals and their time. A very interesting book that presented its arguments well.