Somebody's Gotta Say It

Somebody's Gotta Say It - Neal Boortz Neal Boortz is a libertarian radio host. I have not heard his show before, but I found the book to be engaging. I have tried reading other talk radio authors, but usually their books tend to be very loud. In other words, if they are hosts who yell a lot on the show or tend to rudeness, they tend to translate it in the text. Boortz did not seem that way. I just picked the book up from the public library out of curiosity from looking over the cover jacket. While I don't agree with everything he writes, there is a lot that resonated with me. Much of his suggestions and arguments seem like common sense, but then again, this country is seriously lacking in common sense. The author is also entertaining with a good sense of humor. A simple thing he does is to tell his readers to not believe everything he says. In other words, check things out for yourself and satisfy yourself that things are accurate. It's called doing your homework. I don't recall many authors will do that. Overall, this book may make some people nod. It may make some people angry, maybe one or two will toss the book against the wall. Some will be offended. But it will at least make you think.