Fatal Alliance (Star Wars: The Old Republic, Book 1)

Fatal Alliance - Sean Williams I have been trying to get into this book for a couple of weeks now. The premise of the book, various characters of different sides coming to the auction to steal an artifact, seems interesting. However, the book starts out fairly slow, and there is a lot of setting up. The book is based on a video game, and it seems like the author is just going through each character class. This makes the action take forever to move along. I may give it another try later, but this seems unlikely. It has been sitting on my shelf for a few days now, which means I lost interest. The slow narrative is simply not drawing me in. So for now, I am letting it go and moving to something else. I am not a big reader of SW books. I am an SW fan. I have found that books in the SW series (like other series such as ST) tend to be hit or miss. I have enjoyed other SW books in their expanded universe, but this one was a miss for me.