Batman: The Killing Joke, Deluxe Edition

Batman: The Killing Joke - Alan Moore, Brian Bolland, Tim Sale, Richard Starkins On the surface, this appears to be a very light story. And yet, as you read it, it draws you in. It is a quick read, but an engrossing read. Batman and Joker, in some ways, seem like opposite sides of the same coin. I really liked it, but what I liked the most was the art in this one. The origin story was so-so, and I think that, as another commenter noted, we can look at that story as another one of the Joker's mad memories. I think if one looks at it that way, then the story works better (for me at least). The scheme to drive the Commissioner mad goes right along with something the Joker would do, but it just comes by so fast. And yet, and this is where the strength of the book lies, you find yourself as a reader drawn in all the way to the end. While certainly not Alan Moore's best, this is still pretty good, and I can see why it has held up after 20 years.