Hunter's Planet (Aliens Vs. Predator, Book 2)

Like others, I am trying this out after GoodReads sold out to Amazon. I am an avid reader, and I hope to keep track of what I read as well as share it with others who may be interested.
A little more about me:
I have been an academic librarian since 2004, and I started blogging in 2005. Prior to this, I have been a high school teacher and a college adjunct instructor. One of my passions is to teach others how to know when they need information, how to find it, and how to make use of it in an ethical way. I have access to a diverse range of information sources, and I know how to use them. Plus, I arm people with facts and information. I am firm believer in teaching these very important skills.
I call my professional blog A Simple Scholarly Librarian (where, among other things, I read a lot of library literature so you don't have to, then I write about it. This blog is currently on hiatus). I also keep my book review and personal blog at The Itinerant Librarian. Finally, I do have a commonplace/scratch pad blog at Alchemical Thoughts. Feel free to check my blogs out. Comments are always welcome.
Married to The Better Half, we have a daughter who reminds me innocence and wonder are great things. We also have two cats who keep life interesting.