The Golem's Mighty Swing

The Golem's Mighty Swing - James Sturm Just realized I did not write a little note on this one after I read it. Anyhow, this was a nice little book looking at a Jewish baseball team in the 1920s. The book gives a good look not only at baseball in a time of traveling exhibition teams, but it also looks at a time when racism and ignorance were common and rampant (I could make the crack about how that has not changed. Oh wait, I just did). Anyhow, the book has a good story, and the art is very good. The art complements the story nicely, and it enhances the feel of the story's ambiance. I picked it up at the local public library, and I am glad I did for I got a chance to read something different. It did feel a bit short, but that's ok.