Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps War, Vol. 2

Green Lantern, Vol. 5: The Sinestro Corps War, Vol. 2 - Geoff Johns, Dave Gibbons, Peter J. Tomasi, Ivan Reis, Patrick Gleason, Ethan Van Sciver, Angel Unzueta, Dustin Nguyen, Joe Prado, Oclair Albert I got this mostly to see how the story ended. I was not particularly thrilled by the first one, and this was not that much better. It was not bad. Just not great either. A very convoluted plot, a lot of overloaded panels at times that, while nicely drawn, were just a bit visually overwhelming. Big fans of Green Lantern will probably enjoy this. More casual comics readers like me may consider it optional reading. With the new film out, it may or not get you in the mood for the film. Overall, this is one to just borrow from the library if you can. Not a buy.