50 Ways to Support Lesbian and Gay Equality: The Complete Guide to Supporting Family, Friends, Neighborsor Yourself...

50 Ways to Support Lesbian and Gay Equality: The Complete Guide to Supporting Family, Friends, Neighbors-or Yourself... - Meredith Maran, Meredith Maran This is an excellent book for anyone interested in LGBT issues and wondering how they can be supportive. For members of the community, this book can serve as affirmation. For their allies, this book provides lessons and advice. For anyone needing to learn more, this book will provide information and lessons. As the title suggests, this book gives 50 ways to support LGBT equality. Though the editors used "Lesbian and Gay" in the title, the book is more comprehensive and diverse looking at issues for transgender and bisexual people as well. The book is arranged in sections, and each section contains a short essay. The authors are a diverse group representing various interests and communities. Some are activists. Others are authors. All have a common interest. At the end of each essay, specific suggestions are given for ways to support the cause. I borrowed this book from my library, but this is one I would like to have on my own reference shelf. It is informative and educational. In addition, the short sections make it a very easy book to read. You can read it through as I did, or you can browse and find what interests you. It is also a book that lends itself to multiple readings. I highly recommend this book to anyone interesting in LGBT equality. If for no other reason because LGBT equality is our cause, and besides it being a matter of human decency, if we do not speak out, we may as well be the next ones to suffer discrimination. I think I would like to recommend this book to librarians as well in order to be better informed on the subject, and the book belongs in just about any library collection.