Practical Pedagogy For Library Instructors: 17 Innovative Strategies to Improve Student Learning

Practical Pedagogy for Library Instructors: 17 Innovative Strategies to Improve Student Learning - Douglas Cook, Ryan L. Sittler This is a book that every library instructor needs to have. I borrowed the copy my library acquired, and I know I have to buy a copy for myself. This is an excellent collection of library instruction lesson plans and activities written by actual practitioners. As the editors write in their introduction, the book is mean to be practical, especially for librarians who lack any pedagogical training. For those of us with pedagogy background (I have a teaching degree and experience), this book will confirm and validate practice as well as provide a wealth of new ideas. The chapters follow a basic pattern: an introduction, goals of the lesson, strategies, the actual lesson, and then a reflection on what worked and did not work. Unlike other items in library literature, the authors here will discuss what works and what does not work. Overall, highly recommended for instruction and information literacy librarians.