1001 MAD Pages You Must Read Before You Die (Crammed Into 864 Actual Pages)

1001 MAD Pages You Must Read Before You Die (Crammed into 864 Actual Pages) - MAD Magazine, John Ficarra, Al Jaffee, Don Martin, Antonio Prohias A very big collection of MAD magazine. I liked it, but I did not love it. Mostly I thought it had a bit too much filler here and there, especially on the movie parodies. MAD is known for those film and tv show parodies, but I don't really care for most of them (there are one or two I have liked, but overall, I am pretty indiffirent). I do like more their short pieces by Don Martin, the Spy-vs-Spy, Al Jaffee, so on. So, not a bad collection if you are looking for a little humor and a smile. This book definitely lends itself to browsing rather than reading it on one sitting. It certainly makes a good bathroom reading book, and I do mean that in a good way.