Star Trek Book of Opposites

Star Trek Book of Opposites - David Borgenicht A light, fun, and adorable book to teach your children the simple concepts of opposites: happy/angry, young/old, hot/cold. and others. Captain Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise as well as other characters from Star Trek come together to teach and entertain your child. This is a very nice, solid board book. The photography in it is very good. I will add that I don't think you have to be a child to enjoy this book. If you are Star Trek fan, you will likely enjoy the book, even if it is just for fun or nostalgia. And maybe you might want to share it with your own child as well. Definitely one I recommend. Disclosure (to keep The Man happy): I did receive the book as part of a giveaway from the publisher. Having said that, it was a fun little book.